Example configuration for headless KODI install
# For more information on the settings available in #
# this file, refer to the kodi wiki at #
# http://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings.xml #
<type>mysql</type> <!-- don't change this value -->
<host></host> <!-- change this to the IP address of your mysql/mariadb server -->
<port>3306</port> <!-- change this to the port of your mysql/mariadb server -->
<user></user> <!-- change this to the user for your database, not root -->
<pass></pass> <!-- change this to the password for your database -->
<type>mysql</type> <!-- don't change this value -->
<host></host> <!-- change this to the IP address of your mysql/mariadb server -->
<port>3306</port> <!-- change this to the port of your mysql/mariadb server -->
<user></user> <!-- change this to the user for your database, not root -->
<pass></pass> <!-- change this to the password for your database -->
<devicename>KODI Server</devicename>
<esallinterfaces>true</esallinterfaces> <!-- don't change this value -->
<esenabled>true</esenabled> <!-- don't change this value -->
<esport>9777</esport> <!-- don't change this value -->
<webserver>true</webserver> <!-- don't change this value -->
<webserverport>8080</webserverport> <!-- don't change this value -->
<importresumepoint>true</importresumepoint> <!-- import previously exported resume point from .nfo files -->
<importwatchedstate>true</importwatchedstate> <!-- import previously exported playdate and playcount from .nfo files -->
<dateadded>1</dateadded> <!-- 0 results in using the current datetime when adding a video;
1 (default) results in prefering to use the files mtime (if it's valid) and only using the file's ctime if the mtime isn't valid;
2 results in using the newer datetime of the file's mtime and ctime -->
<backgroundupdate>true</backgroundupdate> <!-- don't change this value -->
<ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors> <!-- Set to true to silently ignore errors while scanning videos. This prevents the error dialogue box, so you don't have to keep hitting "yes" to keep scanning.-->
<setting type="bool" name="skin.confluence.FirstTimeRun">false</setting>